Party at My Place
Find a Party
Get your friend to point their phone camera at this square
Party in
When is the party?
Party Now
Party Later
What day?
Not Today
Full Address or Zoom, Skype, or Teams Link
Only the people you approve will see it.
What sex and age do you want?
It doesn't matter
I want to choose
If you activate, people will see your party notice.
My Party
Auto-Approve Guests:
Make a scan to give points:
20, 50, 100
For this method you must deposit money into a bank acound and send an SMS message.
Enter your account name so the seller can check for your payement into their account.
I have made the deposit. Send SMS
Cancel exchange
Choose a method
Direct Deposit
Cash Out
Email Address
Remeber to confirm your email address with Payapl.
Identity Token
You have permission to make an offer using this system only if it is for a lawful transaction in your jurisdiction. Do you agree to this condition?
Yes, I agree. Save changes.
Go to for business (or merchant) and click
“sign up now”.
Then complete the form.
Check your email to “activate” your PayPal account.
In, click on the settings icon
and go to “Profile and Settings”
Then “Selling Tools”
Then click “Update” on “Website Preferences”
Enter these into the form...
Auto Return: on
Return URL:
Payment Data Transfer: on
PayPal Account Optional: on
click Save
Go back to “Update” on “Website Preferences” and copy your Identity Token.
Paste your Identity Token into in “Sell Points”.
Check to see that your offer is available in “Buy Points”.
Video Instructions
Account Details
You have permission to make an offer using this system only if it is for a lawful transaction in your jurisdiction. Do you agree to this condition?
Yes, I agree. Save changes.
Accound Details
This is for a lawful transaction in your jurisdiction. Do you agree to this condition?
Yes, Save